Ultimate Fact Definition and Legal Meaning

On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Ultimate Fact, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.

What is Ultimate Fact?

(n). Ultimate Fact is the conclusion arrived during a trial based on the evidentiary facts. For example neighbors witness John enters his apartment at 10 am and locked the door from inside. They heard gun sound inside and crying of his wife. On hearing the SOS cops entered in to the apartment. They could see John sitting with a Gun in his hand. There was no one else in the apartment. With all these evidentiary facts the Ultimate Fact can be derived as John killed his wife

History and Meaning of Ultimate Fact

Ultimate Fact is a legal term that refers to a conclusion reached in a trial based on the evidentiary facts presented during the case. It is a significant component of the verdict and is essential for determining the outcome of the trial. Judges use these findings to come to a legally binding decision that resolves the case's issue. The term has been in use for many years and remains a fundamental concept in the legal system.

Examples of Ultimate Fact

  1. In a murder trial, the ultimate fact may be that the defendant was the one who committed the crime.
  2. In a personal injury case, the ultimate fact may be that the defendant's negligence caused the plaintiff's injuries.
  3. In a breach of contract case, the ultimate fact may be that the defendant did not fulfill their contractual obligations.

Legal Terms Similar to Ultimate Fact

  1. Prima facie: Refers to evidence that is sufficient to establish a fact or case unless rebutted.
  2. Burden of proof: Refers to the obligation of a party to prove their claim or defense.
  3. Admissible evidence: Refers to evidence that can be presented in court and is relevant to the case at hand.