Do You Need an EIN for an LLC?
If this is your first time creating an LLC, you may be wondering if you need an EIN (employer identification number for tax purposes). The answer is complicated, so read on to learn more.
If this is your first time creating an LLC, you may be wondering if you need an EIN (employer identification number for tax purposes). The answer is complicated, so read on to learn more.
Creating a Shopify is a big step for your business. But before you take the leap, you may be wondering if you need an LLC to do so. Read this article to find the answer.
Are you interested in selling on Amazon but not sure whether or not you need an LLC? The answer may not be as complicated as you might think, so keep reading to learn more.
Do you make beautiful handmade crafts and want to sell them on Etsy but are not sure if you need an LLC to do so? The answer to this question is not as straightforward as you might think, so keep reading to find out.
Are you starting an online business? Read this article to find out whether or not you need to set up an LLC in order to do so.
Do you have an LLC and want to do business under a different name? What about multiple different names? Read this article to find out how many DBAs an LLC can have.
Are you toying with the idea of going into business with others but are not sure of how many owners an LLC has? While there are many things to consider about forming an LLC, you will find the answer to this question right here.
Do you want to change the ownership of your LLC? Read this article to learn all about the process, from start to finish.
Are you opening an LLC and are wondering if you need an organizer? Or maybe you just need to know what the organizer of an LLC is. Read this article to learn more.
Do you own your own LLC, and you are wondering what you should be called? Or maybe you want to own one in the future. Either way, read this article to find out what to call the owner of an LLC.
If you are a business owner in the United States, you will likely need to fill out a W-9 form at some point. Filling out a W-9 can be tricky, especially if you are new to owning an LLC. In this article, we will guide you through the process of filling out a W-9 for an LLC. We will also explain why it is important to provide accurate information on this form.
Certificates of formation are legal documents that establish a new business entity. In the US, this type of document is usually used to create a limited liability company (LLC). There are several steps involved in forming an LLC, and each state has its own set of requirements. A certificate of formation is the primary way to show compliance with state regulations and confirms the existence of your LLC.