Abut Definition and Legal Meaning
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Abut, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.
What is Abut?
v. the properties being close to each other and up against each others’ borders as in, the sides of land, are adjoining and the ends abutting to the contiguous thing.
History and Meaning of Abut
The term "abut" is commonly used in real estate and land law to refer to the point where one piece of property comes into contact with another. It is derived from the Old French word "abouter," which means "to end at, border upon." In legal terms, two properties that touch at their borders are said to be "adjoining," while the specific point where they meet or touch is said to "abut."
Examples of Abut
- The northern boundary of our property abuts the southern boundary of the park.
- The new housing development will abut the existing industrial park.
- The fence separating our properties must abut at the exact property line, as specified in the deed.
- The eastern wall of the building abuts the roadway.
- The river abuts the western edge of the estate.
Legal Terms Similar to Abut
- Contiguous: describes adjacent properties that share a common boundary or border.
- Easement: a legal right that allows someone to use another person's land for a specific purpose, such as accessing a public road.
- Encroachment: when a property owner builds structures or otherwise uses land that encroaches on a neighboring property.
- Property line: the legal boundary between two parcels of land.
- Right of way: likewise involves the legal right to access a throughway or path that is situated on another person's land.