Affirm Definition and Legal Meaning
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Affirm, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.
What is Affirm?
n. it is the reduction of the property of lands or tenements to mortmain. Mortmain is an unlawful alienation of lands, or tenements to any corporation, sole or aggregate, ecclesiastical or temporal. It also stands for reduction, liquidation, or satisfaction of a debt.
History and Meaning of Affirm
The term "affirm" is primarily used in the legal context to denote the act of validating or confirming something. In a narrow sense, it refers to a person's solemn declaration or promise to tell the truth, usually done in a court of law. The term has its roots in Medieval Latin 'affirmare', which means 'to make steady, strengthen'.
The term 'affirm' has a long history and is used in various legal contexts, ranging from administrative law to contract law. In the context of contract law, affirming a contract means confirming it to be valid and enforceable. In an administrative context, affirming a decision or order refers to validating a previous decision that has been challenged or appealed.
Examples of Affirm
- The witness was asked to affirm the truthfulness of her testimony, to which she replied in the affirmative.
- The court affirmed the lower court's decision in the case, upholding the verdict.
- The appeal was denied, and the court affirmed the ruling, stating that the appellant's arguments did not have merit.
Legal Terms Similar to Affirm
- Confirm: Confirm refers to validating or verifying the authenticity of something, usually in the context of a contract or agreement.
- Ratify: Ratify means to approve or validate an act or decision, usually by a formal process such as a vote or a signature.
- Uphold: Uphold means to affirm or support a previous decision, usually by a higher authority or court.