Calumny Definition and Legal Meaning
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Calumny, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.
What is Calumny?
(n) Calumny is the acquisition made on a party with an intention to damage his or her reputation, falsely alleging that they have committed a crime
History and Meaning of Calumny
Calumny has its roots in Latin, with "calumniari" meaning to accuse falsely. In legal terms, calumny refers to the act of intentionally making false and damaging statements about a person or party with the intent to harm their reputation or standing. Calumny is a form of defamation, and can lead to legal consequences such as lawsuits.
Examples of Calumny
- A political opponent spreads false rumors about a candidate's criminal history in order to sway public opinion.
- A disgruntled employee accuses their boss of embezzlement with no evidence or basis in truth.
- A former partner in a business spreads lies about their former partner's behavior and credibility in order to gain an upper hand in a legal dispute.
Legal Terms Similar to Calumny
- Libel - the act of making defamatory statements in writing or print
- Slander - the act of making defamatory statements orally or through other non-written means
- Defamation - the broad term for any false and damaging statement that harms a person's reputation or standing in the community.