Grand Larceny Definition and Legal Meaning
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Grand Larceny, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.
What is Grand Larceny?
(n) Grand Larceny is the theft or intentional unauthorized possession of a property of value exceeding the monitory limit set in the law of land. When the value of the property is below the stated amount it is termed as petty larceny
History and Meaning of Grand Larceny
Grand Larceny has its roots in the common law of England, and refers to the theft or intentional unauthorized possession of property of significant value. In the past, the monetary limit for determining grand larceny varied depending on the type of property that was stolen, but now most jurisdictions in the United States have set a minimum value of $1,000. Grand larceny is typically a felony and the severity of the punishment depends on the circumstances surrounding the crime.
Examples of Grand Larceny
- A person steals a car worth $15,000 - this is considered grand larceny.
- A thief snatches a diamond necklace worth $5,000 from someone on the street - this is grand larceny.
- A store employee steals $2,000 worth of merchandise from their employer - this is grand larceny.
- A hacker steals $50,000 from a company's bank account - this is grand larceny.
- A person walks into a museum and steals a painting worth $20,000 - this is grand larceny.
Legal Terms Similar to Grand Larceny
- Petty Larceny - This term refers to the theft or unauthorized possession of property of minimal value, typically under $1,000.
- Burglary - This crime involves breaking and entering into a building or dwelling with the intent to commit a felony, such as grand larceny.
- Robbery - This crime involves taking property from another person by force or the threat of force, and is often associated with grand larceny.