Natural Person Definition and Legal Meaning
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Natural Person, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.
What is Natural Person?
n.According to law a natural person is a natural human being who becomes aware through his senses as different from a corporation which according to law is a fictitious person.
History and Meaning of Natural Person
The term "natural person" originated in legal language to distinguish human beings from artificial persons or legal entities like corporations, partnerships, and trusts. It is a concept in which the law recognizes the individual rights, obligations, and legal capacity of a human being as distinct from those conferred upon artificial entities.
Examples of Natural Person
- John Smith is a natural person who can enter into a contract, own property, and sue or be sued under the law.
- Mary Jones is a natural person who has the right to freedom of speech and religion under the Constitution.
- Adam Brown is a natural person who can be held criminally liable for violating the law.
Legal Terms Similar to Natural Person
Legal Entity: A legal entity is a person or an organization that has legal rights and can own property, contract with others, and file lawsuits. It is distinct from natural persons because it is a creation of the law, not a natural being.
Persona Juris: Persona Juris refers to the legal person reflected in law. It is a concept used to differentiate an individual in his/her natural capacity from a legal entity.
Juridical Person: A juridical person is any legal entity created by law, such as corporations, partnerships, and trusts. Although it may have many of the same rights and obligations as a natural person, it is not a living human being.