Notice Definition and Legal Meaning
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Notice, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.
What is Notice?
1)Notice refers to the written information, communicating the rights, obligations, requests and legal duties. It also contains information of future events in particular date. It reflects the details of future and effects of present ongoing legal lawsuit. Notice also serves as the openness in the proceedings of the legal matters so that each party is aware of what is happening, when a notice is issued. 2) It also refers to the ones observation.
History and Meaning of Notice
Notice is a term used in law, which refers to a formal communication given to an individual, company, or organization. It serves as a means of informing the recipient of their rights or obligations, or any legal proceeding that might affect them. The concept of notice has been present in English law since the thirteenth century when the principle of audi alteram partem (“listen to the other side”) was introduced. At that time, a writ had to be served on an individual, and they had to appear in court to plead their case.
Today, notice is an essential part of any legal proceeding, including civil and criminal cases, and is governed by various statutes and judicial rules. The rules governing how and when notice must be given to an individual depend on the type of legal action, the jurisdiction, and the applicable laws.
Examples of Notice
- A landlord must give a tenant notice before terminating their tenancy and asking them to vacate the premises.
- A plaintiff must give notice to a defendant before filing a lawsuit against them.
- An employer must give notice to employees before implementing any changes to their terms of employment.
- A government agency must give notice before conducting inspections or audits.
Legal Terms Similar to Notice
- Service of Process - The formal delivery of a legal notice or document that initiates legal proceedings.
- Summons - A legal notice that requires an individual to appear in court.
- Demand Letter - A notice that demands payment or action from an individual, often sent before legal proceedings are initiated.
- Citation - A notice that requires an individual to appear in court for a minor offense, such as a traffic violation.