Order To Show Cause Definition and Legal Meaning
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Order To Show Cause, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.
What is Order To Show Cause?
It is an order of the judge of the court asking the party to appear before the court on a particular date and present the facts and evidences in the case.
History and Meaning of Order to Show Cause
An order to show cause is a court order that requires a person to come before the court and explain something, which may be the reason why a particular order or judgment should not be made. In essence, it is a procedure that allows a court to issue a temporary order until a full hearing can be held on the matter at hand. This type of order is usually issued when the person or party who is requesting the order needs immediate relief, and the regular procedural process would take too long.
Examples of Order to Show Cause
- A landlord who wants to evict a tenant might ask for an order to show cause if there is a risk of harm to the property or other tenants.
- An attorney can file an order to show cause if they want the court to take immediate action on an issue related to their case.
- A person facing a restraining order can request that the court issue an order to show cause to have the order lifted or modified.
- A party to a lawsuit can file an order to show cause if the other party is not following the court's orders or engaging in behavior that is prejudicial to the case.
Legal Terms Similar to Order to Show Cause
- Injunction- A court order that compels or restrains an action by a party until a lawsuit or other legal matter is resolved.
- Restraining Order- A judicial order that limits the actions of an individual or group.
- Writ of Mandamus- A court order that commands a government agency or official to perform a particular duty.