Register Definition and Legal Meaning
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Register, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.
What is Register?
(n) Register is the document recording the events for which such records are maintained, in a chronological order of reporting of such documents for registration with a purpose to authenticate the event and evidencing them for future references
History and Meaning of Register
The term "register" has been used for centuries to refer to a document that records certain events or transactions. In a legal context, registers are often maintained by government agencies, such as the registrar's office, to record births, deaths, marriages, and other important events. The purpose of registering these events is to create a permanent record that can be used for legal, statistical, or other purposes. Registering an event also provides evidence of its occurrence and may be used in court proceedings or other legal matters.
Examples of Register
Birth Register: A document maintained by a hospital or government agency that records the birth of a child, including the date, time, and location of the birth, as well as the names of the parents.
Marriage Register: A government record that documents the legal union of two people, including the date, location, and names of the parties involved, as well as the names of witnesses or other legal requirements.
Land Register: A public record that documents ownership and interests in land, including details of any liens, mortgages, or other encumbrances affecting the title to the land.
Legal Terms Similar to Register
Record: A document or collection of documents that serves as evidence of an event or transaction.
Registry: A public or private office that maintains a list or record of people or things.
Index: A list or catalogue of items or documents, often arranged in alphabetical or numerical order to facilitate searching or retrieval.