Registry Of Deeds Definition and Legal Meaning
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Registry Of Deeds, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.
What is Registry Of Deeds?
(n) Registry of Deeds is the record of land title documents containing records of all deeds requiring registration with the Country recorder or Recorder of Deeds.
History and Meaning of Registry Of Deeds
A registry of deeds is a government office responsible for keeping track of property ownership rights within a specific region. The registry is responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date land records, including deeds, mortgages, and liens. Its main purpose is to ensure that when land is sold, the transfer of ownership is recorded, and appropriate taxes are paid. The registry of deeds was initially created in the United States during the colonial period to ensure that the transfer of land titles was appropriately managed by the government.
Over time, the Registry of Deeds have expanded to include other types of real property rights, such as easements, rights-of-way, and other encumbrances. As such, the responsibility of the registry of deeds has become more significant and critical, making it essential to maintain a high level of accuracy and diligence.
Examples of Registry Of Deeds
John and Jane Smith filed a deed with the county Registrar of Deeds to transfer ownership of their home to their son, Tom Smith.
The local Registry of Deeds office maintains a public record of all property sales in the county, which is accessible to anyone who needs to access it.
The Registry of Deeds in California is responsible for tracking property ownership rights for the entire state.
Legal Terms Similar to Registry Of Deeds
Land Register - A public record of land ownership in the United Kingdom that includes information on property ownership and location.
Deed - A legal document that transfers ownership of real estate, usually signed by both the buyer and the seller.
Title Search - An examination of public records to ensure that a property's title is free of any defects, liens, or encumbrances.
Property Tax - A tax levied on property by local governments to fund public services, such as schools and roads.
Land Survey - A measurement of a property's boundaries and features, which is essential for creating accurate property maps and legal descriptions.