Res Definition and Legal Meaning
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Res, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.
What is Res?
(n) The word ‘Res’ is used to represent an item, material, article, appeal, suit, action or event which can be identified as unique to be called as a separate entity or event. The Latin word means ‘thing’ use to substitute a name
History and Meaning of Res
The word "Res" originates from Latin, meaning "thing" or "object." Res is a legal term used to refer to a concrete or tangible object that has distinct boundaries and can be identified as a separate entity from other things. It represents a physical object, matter, material, or substance, which has distinguishable characteristics and utility for its possessor.
Examples of Res
There are several examples of how the term "Res" can apply in different contexts, including:
- In a property law context, the term "Res" could refer to a specific piece of real estate or immovable property.
- In a contract law context, a "Res" could refer to a specific item or goods sold by a seller to a buyer.
- In a civil action, "Res" could refer to a specific event or issue that is being litigated in the court of law.
- In criminal law, "Res" could indicate a specific physical object that can be used as evidence in a trial.
Legal Terms Similar to Res
Some legal terms similar to "Res" include:
- Chattel: This refers to personal property, including tangible movable properties such as cars, furniture, or animals.
- Property: A general term used to refer to any legally protected interest in anything, including real and personal property.
- Thing in Action: This term refers to a legal right to sue or recover money, which cannot be touched or seen but has legal value.