Legal Definitions Beginning with D
On this page, you'll find all 186 legal definitions we have in our dictionary that begin with the letter D.
- D.A.
- Damages
- Damnum Absque Injuria
- Dangerous
- Dangerous Weapon
- Date Rape
- Day In Court
- D.B.A.
- De Facto
- De Facto Corporation
- De Jure
- De Jure Corporation
- De Minimis
- De Novo
- Dead Man'S Statute
- Deadly Weapon
- Dealer
- Death Penalty
- Death Row
- Death Taxes
- Debenture
- Debit Card
- Debt
- Debtor
- Debtor In Possession
- Deceased
- Decedent
- Deceit
- Deception
- Decide
- Decision
- Declarant
- Declaration
- Declaration Of Mailing
- Declaration Of Trust
- Declaratory Judgment
- Declaratory Relief
- Decree
- Decriminalization
- Dedication
- Deduction
- Deed
- Deed Of Gift
- Deed Of Trust
- Defalcation
- Defamation
- Default
- Default Judgment
- Defeasance
- Defect
- Defective
- Defective Title
- Defendant
- Defense
- Defense Attorney
- Deficiency Judgment
- Deficit
- Defraud
- Degree Of Kinship
- Delayed Exchange
- Delegate
- Deleterious
- Deliberate
- Deliberation
- Delinquent
- Deliver
- Delivery
- Demand
- Demand Note
- Demise
- Demonstrative Evidence
- Demurrer
- Denial
- Dependent
- Depletion
- Deponent
- Deportation
- Depose
- Deposition
- Depreciate
- Depreciation
- Depreciation Reserve
- Derelict
- Dereliction
- Derivative Action
- Descent
- Descent And Distribution
- Desert
- Desertion
- Design Patent
- Determinable
- Deuce
- Devise
- Devisee
- Devolution
- Devolve
- Dicta
- Dictrict Court
- Dictum
- Diligence
- Diminished Capacity
- Diminution In Value
- Direct And Proximate Cause
- Direct Evidence
- Direct Examination
- Directed Verdict
- Director
- Disability
- Disbar
- Disbarment
- Discharge
- Discharge In Bankruptcy
- Dischargeable Debts
- Disclaimer
- Discount
- Discovery
- Discretion
- Discrimination
- Disfigure
- Dishonor
- Disinherit
- Disinheritance
- Disjunctive Allegations
- Dismiss
- Dismissal
- Disorderly Conduct
- Disorderly House
- Disposing Mind And Memory
- Disposition
- Dispossess
- Dissent
- Dissolution
- Dissolution Of Corporation
- Distinguish
- Distress
- Distribute
- District Attorney (D.A.)
- District Court
- Disturbing The Peace
- Diversion
- Diversity Jurisdiction
- Diversity Of Citizenship
- Divestiture
- Divestment
- Dividend
- Divorce
- Divorce Agreement
- Docket
- Document
- Documentary Evidence
- Doing Business
- Domestic Partners
- Domestic Relations
- Domestic Violence
- Domicile
- Dominant Estate
- Dominant Tenement
- Donation
- Donative Intent
- Donee
- Donor
- Double Jeopardy
- Double Taxation
- Dower
- Dowry
- Draft
- Dram Shop Rule
- Draw
- Drawee
- Drawer
- Driving Under The Influence (DUI)
- Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)
- Drop Dead Date
- Due
- Due And Owing
- Due Care
- Due, Owing And Unpaid
- Due Process Of Law
- D.U.I.
- Durable Power Of Attorney
- Duress
- Duty
- Duty Of Care
- D.W.I.
- Dying Declaration